San Francisco 2009
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Displaying all films in category: Special Interest

F-148: Subconjunctival Biochip for Photometric Blood Glucose Measurement
F-149: Excimer Laser Surgery: Evolution of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Arsenal Over 20 Years
F-150: Diagnosis Cataract
F-151: New Method for Measuring Corneal Rigidity
F-152: Radical Surgery in Ocular Melanoma
F-153: Unbearable Lightness of Being, Suture Knot Exposure: Prevention and Recovery
F-154: Neuroplasticity: Key to Vision Recovery
F-155: Efficacy of Concurrent Cataract and Vitrectomy for High Myopic Traction Maculopathy
F-156: Hidden Phaco Phantom
F-157: Cataract Extraction After Trauma with Ruptured Posterior Capsule on B-Scan
F-158: Immersive Biomedical Imaging Technique for Qualitative Confocal Analysis After AcuFocus Corneal Inlay Implantation